thede loder

VP of Engineering at Leverage Information Systems, Inc.

In the beginning...

Thede lived in New Hampshire. He studied Mechanical Engineering as an undergraduate at the University of Rochester. A friend introduced him to the Internet, resulting in Thede taking a student job at university's computing center. After graduation, he worked on an Internet related project with the Vera Institute in NYC before moving to Berkeley, CA for graduate school. Until co-founding Leverage Information Systems, he worked for one of the first venture funded Internet startups, Electric Classifieds, Inc. (

Then suddenly...

Today Thede is VP of Engineering at Leverage Information Systems, a technology partner for information companies.

And finally...

Future plans include further growing of Leverage's services and tools for the Infomation age, plus pursuing his interests in data visualization (particularly geospatial), travel, diving, robotics, remote sensing, mechanical engineering, and computer security.

photo by Marcellus Amatangelo

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