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Denham Grey, Ph.D, Knowledge ecologist with a past career in forestry and soils, has extensive experience helping teams discover, develop, and deploy their knowledge. He has completed knowledge engineering assignments for Fortune 500 companies structuring and capturing solutions for fast and effective retrieval and causal analysis at their helpdesks.

Strong statistical and computer modeling skills, a passion for knowledge sharing and experience helping teams cultivate their insights guide his understanding and approach to knowledge work. He develops ontologies and taxonomies, coaches groups in crafting distinctions, runs pattern writing workshops to gather a teams experience and helps teams design and gain maximum value from their repositories. Denham is an expert in knowledge mapping and intellectual audits, his boundary object approach uses elicitation and anthropological methods developed while building expert systems.

Numerous knowledge communities have benefitted from Denham's skills in the management of dialog. He is an active contributor to Brint and listservs covering knowledge management and communities of practice. Currently Denham maintains a keen interest in chaos theory, knowledge landscapes, linguistic analysis, collaborative filters and advanced data mining techniques. He has published more than 40 scientific papers, addressed many international conferences and delivers KM distance learning courses.

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